Sunday, May 22, 2011


My Dad and Kathy were here this week....yay! Every time I am with them I am grateful. I have been blessed with a loving, supportive family who enjoy each others company and cherish our time together.

I used to feel guilty about this. My Mom was not here and I was enjoying my step mother and father...what about my loyalty to my Mom? Well, I got over that after a few years because I know my Mom would just want me to be loved and happy. Of course, I wish she was still here.

A huge thank you to those that donated this week- My step-father's parents; my best friend, Brandi; one of my other closest friends, Melissa and Matt Hudson; and a friend of a friend, Melisa, who lost her aunt to Multiple Myeloma. I am 53% of the way to my goal, and that is looking good! I am doing a Karma Yoga class on June 26th at Flooid Yoga where all proceeds will go towards my fundraising goal. More on that in the next post.

To recap my training this week....

I ran my longest long run this am- 5.5 miles to total 15 miles this week; I rode over 100 miles on my bike in 6 hours; and a few miles logged in the pool. I am in training for a 1/2 Ironman too, so I am doing the multi-sports until August. But I think it is kinder on my body than just running alone.
After my sprint triathlon last weekend I was so sore for days. I think I accumulated quite a bit of lactic acid from going as hard as I could. That has worn off, and now I am back to training for the Olympic I am doing in 2 weeks.

I hope everyone has a great week! Thanks for your support to find a cure for Multiple Myeloma.


  1. So glad to hear you've healed and are doing so well with racing/training/fundraising!
