Sunday, May 15, 2011

1st Sunday recap

Fist of I have to say I am BLOWN away by the donations I received last week. I am 46% to my goal, so maybe $2500 is not a big enough goal? It's not like I am going to be doing the NYC Marathon more than once in my life! And, if I hadn't mentioned yet- 93% of each donation goes directly to the MMRF. Only 7% goes to the administrative fees, 93% goes directly to research!

I was with my friend Wendy the other day and she was telling me about a long-time client who is getting ready to have Hospice step in. He is in his last stretch of cancer that has spread to his brain. It is Wendy's first experience with someone close to her that is going to loose his life to cancer. When I was listening to her speak so many memories flooded my mind. I saw my Mom suffer. Suffer to the point of complete despair. My Mom had to go through the pain of her bones literally breaking in half. Multiple Myeloma is a blood cancer. The blood becomes thick with blood proteins, then the blood stop being able to pass through the bones and finally they break. It was painful and flat out torture for her. When it got too hard to care for my mom, my step dad and I turned to Hospice. Barry and I would not have been able to get through this without is Hospice. When I get brave enough, I want to get involved with that amazing organization.

When my Mom got diagnosed with MM the MMRF was not yet formed. The clinical trails were rare and impossible to get in, and there was limited drugs for patient care. But because of the work of the MMRF and the donations from people like us we can help the lives of people with MM for the better.

From the bottom of my heart, my mom, my step father and I thank you for donating.

In other news, I did my first race back since foot surgery on Sunday! It was our annual club championship triathlon, Tempe International. I hadn't raced for exactly one year. bike events, run events, or triathlons. Last year I did the Olympic distance, (1500 meter swim, 26 mile bike and 6.2 mile run), but this year I went for the Sprint, (400 meter swim, 12.3 mile bike and 3.1 mile run). I am not quite up to a 6 mile run yet, and I wanted to start back slow. But I raced hard, and finished 5th out of 30 in my age group, (1 second behind the 4th place does that happen???). I was able to catch up with a lot of my acquaintances in the club and it was a great time.

Next up is Deuces Wild Triathlon in two weeks.

Until next Sunday's recap....please keep donating and have a great week! The link to my donation page is easily found on the right hand side of this blog's page.




  1. Awesome job on Sunday!! It was good to have you back out there :-) Double your goal. You can do it :-)
