Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 28

So here I am....

In Rocky Point, Mexico with my dear friends the LaPan's enjoying New Years. I am walking without a gimp as of the last three days and am feeling very positive with my recovery. It has been 28 days exactly. I saw my podiatrist/surgeon this morning and she told me about some rehab that I need to start, but I am doing really well. I even rode a spinning bike yesterday for 25 minutes!

Tomorrow is NYE. It has been a great year. I am grateful.

To all a great New Year's Eve and Go Georgia...UGA!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Stitches are out!

So my stitches are out and the ace bandage is off! I am going to start my self-rehab Sunday. I was told by my AMAZING doctor that I need a few more days till the suture wounds close up, but I have to start wiggling my purple toes. My foot is so purple it's crazy, but the swelling has gone done significantly. Two weeks to the 14...I am right on track!

Have a great weekend!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 10

Saw the doctor today. She said the wound is healing well, but I am too swollen. I have honestly not been icing enough. I am getting around better each day, but I guess it's back to ice and less movement. She said if I want my stitches out by Friday the swelling has to come down. So it's only been 10 days, but these ten days have seemed like an eternity. I am getting achey everywhere from just being so immobile and sedentary. I have to be good until Friday bc I want these stitches out. The stitches make my foot feel so tight. I have purple and blue toes and it looks crazy. I can't even imagine getting this foot into a shoe anytime soon! Day by day....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 5

Friday, December 3rd....I finally had surgery to remove the Morton's Neuroma that had been driving me crazy for six months. It is now December 8th and I am able to put enough weight on my foot to not HAVE to use crutches. I am still pretty immobile, but at least I can transport a glass or plate from the kitchen to another room.
I really can't thank my mom enough for coming out to Arizona to get me through surgery. I know that my family is the type of family that doesn't let each other down and ALWAYS pull's through for one another, but she was simply a LIFE-SAVER. I know that my recovery is off to such a great start because of her caring and help. She left this morning, but she left knowing that I am on the road to recovery. And a shout out to my Dad for being so understanding that I needed her more than he did! As well for checking in on me daily.
My friends have also been amazing...Aaron, Brandi, Kristen, Krista, Wendy, and Jen have all stopped by or called to check in on me. And my step-dad Barry has been great and supportive from a far.
So here I am again...grateful.....grateful for the many blessings in my life. I hope I can be back on my feet by the end of the month. I am sooooo dying to know what it will feel like to take steps without the neuroma there. Supposedly it was two inches gross! Will I be able to put on my bike and running shoes again without that feeling???? God-willing I will! Day by day...stitches out next Friday!